Cottesmore School


Newsletter - Summer Term, 04.07.17

Newsletter - Summer Term, 04.07.17

‘Upbeat’ and ‘exhilarating’ describe the atmosphere at school as we close another hard-working term and school year. The end-of-term activities are always anticipated with relish and our Leavers will enjoy a special evening of their own on the last night of term; their parents are warmly invited for drinks in the Headmaster’s garden once term ends on Wednesday. Here’s to relaxing and well-deserved holidays for everyone across the school community!


Academic News
French Trip

The trip to La Porte des Îles revisited many favourite destinations from last year with added extras, including the fabulous cathedral at Bayeux, with the Bayeux Tapestry an important visit as it’s included in the History curriculum. The 360-degree cinema and the D-Day landing beaches at Arromanches were extremely popular, as was a visit to a market. 


Speaking to one of the trip organisers, Mr Hopkins was delighted to discover that Cottesmorians are one of the few groups who like to shop for and build their own lunch from market produce. A number of Cottesmorians were more than happy to buy merguez sausages, hot and ready to fill the pre-cut baguettes supplied for the picnic lunch by the hotel.


The children had some very intensive French language learning days during the course of this visit including their visit to the château, where small groups were taught by a French animateur to bake bread and to undertake various exercises in the beautiful grounds of the château, a setting not dissimilar from Cottesmore!


Also popular were walks and activities near the hotel, run by Amélie our animatrice, who was very good at providing after dinner entertainment and exercises on the mile-long beach outside the hotel. 


Another highly successful trip then, with the children returning very tired from their efforts. Fortunately there’s a long holiday ahead in which to recover!


History and Classics Trips

It was a busy week for the History and Classics departments last week, leading the following trips: 

Hever Castle and Lullingstone Roman Villa (Form 2)

Fishbourne Roman Villa and Portsmouth Historic Dockyard (form 3)

Herstmonceux Castle and Observatory (Form 1)


Mr Butler reports: “All three trips last week were excellent and offered a great variety of out of class activity for the children. Herstmonceux was a new trip for the first form and certainly one we will repeat as it was fantastically age appropriate for our youngest Cottesmorians. Thanks to Mr AB, Tina, Lindy and Mrs Perry for their support”.



Sports Round Up

The 1st XI enjoyed a tasty curry supper at Mr Walker’s favourite curry house to celebrate a superb season.  Well done all!



The tennis competition has seen some fantastic play; here are the results:

Senior Mixed Doubles: Ollie & Sophia M (Sophia playing up from juniors to partner her brother!)

Senior Boys Doubles:      Cyprian & Alphonse

Junior Doubles:               Barnaby & Drummond   

Junior Boys Singles:              Huw F 

Junior Girls Singles         Sophia M

Senior Girls Doubles    Gabriela & Tallulah

Boys Senior Singles:   Alphonse 

Girls Senior Singles:   Sophia M (beat Eugenia 6 - 0 in the final)   Sophia also won Junior Girls singles and also Mixed Senior doubles playing with Olli M - so 3 ‘trophies’ for her.

Pre-prep news

What a fabulous and exciting end to the school year for the Pre-prep children! A swimming gala, ‘Move Up’ day, a boarding ‘taster’ night for Year 3 and a fantastic concert on Friday left them ready for the weekend break, before a round of events to close the term.  Everyone has been especially looking forward to the ballet and street dancing performance at a whole school assembly, showcasing the skills learned at a very popular after-school activity. 


Other News

Remove trip to the Mill on the Brue and the Leavers’ play

Our Leavers enjoyed an exhilarating and challenging week at this popular outdoor adventure centre. 


On their return there was a challenge of a different kind as it was time to put together the Leavers’ play.  This was a mixture of poetry, dance and humorous sketches. Some were based around life at Cottesmore, including a wonderful chapel line-up sketch with Will M taking the role of Mr Rogerson; a fantastic science sketch with Vasilisa playing Mrs Perry and some brilliant dance displays. The Spice Girls were popular as was the boys’ Haka, which is very relevant just now as the British Lions face the All Blacks. 


Newton recited ‘In Flanders fields, the poppies blow’ (John McCrae) as a reflection on 100 years since some of the major battles of WW1.  Sam introduced some light-hearted poetry with the Red Riding Hood sketch from ‘Revolting Rhymes’. Eugenia was terrific as a wicked Red Riding Hood, who disposed of Abdul as the Big Bad Wolf with her pistol after he had eaten the sad and sorrowful Clara as the Little Granny.


At the end Mr Rogerson invited the Haka boys to reprise their performance and they in turn invited our New Zealand gap student matron, Miss Maddie to join them. She had never performed the Haka, but was very impressive! These were all great performances, enjoyed by everybody and raising the bar for the future!


Visiting Speaker: John Bradshaw

Our Leavers proved to be a very attentive audience when we welcomed John Bradshaw, who spoke to them on the themes of courage and resilience. 


John lost his sight in one eye aged 19, and knew then that eventually he would lose the sight in the other. Seven years ago he became completely blind and it was inspiring to hear how much he has achieved so far, with a fulfilling career as a teacher, then headmaster. 


Facing the unknown — defusing bombs as part of his military service in Rhodesia — gave a perspective on courage and controlling fear as he approached an IED. A sensitive and thoughtful talk prompted many questions from Cottesmore’s senior pupils, after which John held a seminar for the 4th form with a focus on preparation for scholarships next year. 


Old Cottesmorians’ Day

The school was bathed in sunshine for this annual gathering with golf, fathers’ cricket matches, mothers’ rounders matches and a BBQ lunch.  As ever it was great to see so many old and not-so-old faces, including several past members of staff. 


In the evening it was time for our chapel service where our Leavers and their families give thanks for their years at Cottesmore and look forward to all that’s ahead as their educational journeys continue.